Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority
strives to provide high-quality water and sewer service to more than 225,000 residents in Cherokee County, Georgia.
The historic Etowah River originates in the mountains of Lumpkin County north of Dahlonega and flows in a southerly direction into Cherokee County. The Hollis Q. Lathem Reservoir is created from the waters of Yellow Creek, another North Georgia mountain stream. These are the main sources of Cherokee County’s excellent water.

We’ve got answers!
Check the Frequently Asked Questions page for starters.

Water cloudy?
Fire Hydrant Maintenance can cause this. How do I clear it?

Need help with bill?
We’ve got a sample bill to help walk you through it.

Let’s go fishing!
Fishing is a fun way to spend time together outdoors.
Save time and money paying your bill each month!
Starting New Service?
CCWSA requires a deposit to establish water service at a residence, business, or other location. If there is an existing meter, a transfer fee is due when service is requested. If there is not an existing meter, a meter must be purchased through our customer service department. For Additional Information, check this page.
Ending Service?
If you are moving or wish to have water/sewer service disconnected, please notify CCWSA at least one day prior to the date of disconnection. You can use our Contact Us form to send your request, contact our customer service department at 770-479-1813 or fax the request to 678-493-2434. For Additional Information, check this page.
The goal of CCWSA’s Education & Outreach is to provide our customers with quality water education so that they have the ability to make smart decisions for themselves and their community.