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Board Meeting:  December 12, 2019 ~4:00 P.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Clay Pilgrim; Rushton & Company
    RE:  Presentment of FY 2019 Audit Report
  • Dwayne Fowler
    1)  Request from Frans Van Leeuwen of Vaughn & Melton for Installation of Pump Station at Wade Green Road & Hwy. 92
    2)  Request Approval of City of Woodstock Service Area Boundary Map
    3)  Request from City of Woodstock for Woodstock Relinquishment of Tax Map 15N11 Parcel 040 to Authority Service Area
  • Corey Ghorley
    RE:  Request for Emergency Replacement/Repair of 4 Sewer Manholes on River Park Outfall
  • Approval of the 11/25/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • There will be no Finance Report given this month due to the presentment of the FY 2019 audit report
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1)  Approval of the 2020 Board Meeting Calendar

Board Meeting:  November 25, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Tom Roach
    1)  Contract Extension Amendment for Timber Management Services
    2) Request Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Cherokee County for Reimbursement for Water Line Relocation
  • Follow-Up Item from 10/28/19 Meeting:
    1)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Fincher Road & Deer Track Drive
  • Approval of the 10/28/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report – Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1) CIP Update

Board Meeting:  October 28, 2019 ~4:00 P.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    1)  Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-001-Atkins North America General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000.00
    2) Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-002-Brown & Caldwell General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000.00
    3)  Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-003-Hazen & Sawyer General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed- $200,000.00
    4)  Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-004-Engineering Strategies, Inc. General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000.00
    5)  Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-005-Infractec Consulting General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000.00
    6)  Request Approval of CCWSA-2019-006-Freese and Nichols, Inc. General Services Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000.00
    7)  Request Increase of Approved Proposal from Industrial Technologies, LLC in the Amount of $10,000.00 for the Water Treatment Plant Filet Control System Replacement Project (Item #5 under Asset Replacement on current CIP)
    8)  Request Increase in the Amount of $5,802.00 to the Atkins General Services Agreement (CCWSA-2016-005); Original Contract Amount:  $200,000.00; Amount After Increase $205,802.00
    9)  Request Approval of Construction Budget in the Amount of $2,200,000.00 for the Odor Control at Rose Creek (Phase 3) Project (Item #7 under Construction Expansion/Upgrade on current CIP; Total Original Estimated Cost of $1,250,000.00

  • Greg Long
    RE:  Request for Consideration of Billing for Street Lights from Residents of Doefield Street
  • Gaye Blackwell
    RE:  Proposed Changed to Policy Regarding Installation of New Meters in Subdivisions
  • Dwayne Fowler
    1)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Fincher Road & Deer Track Drive
    2)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Stone Creek Trail
    3)  Re-Establishment of Service to Holly Springs Booster Station
  • Jeff Hooper
    RE:  Easement Abandonment – Woodstock Road Townhomes (McPhail Lift Station Driveway)
  • Tom Roach
    RE:  Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between CCWSA & City of Waleska for Water Line Extension on Pleasant Union Road
  • Approval of the 9/30/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • *There will be no Finance Report presented this month due to the audit in progress.
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1)  Request from Pine Bluff Waste Management for CCWSA to Temporarily Receive Leachate from Landfill for Treatment

Board Meeting:  September 30, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    1) Request Approval of Proposal from Industrial Technologies, LLC in the amount of $315,275.00 for the Water Treatment Plant Filter Control System Replacement Project (Item #5 under Asset Replacement on current CIP; Total Original Estimated Cost of $550,000.00)
    2)  Request Approval of Proposal from Hazen & Sawyer Engineers in the amount of $1,562,840.00 for Engineering/Design on the Fitzgerald Creek WWTP Expansion to 11.75 MGD (item #10 under Construction Expansion/Upgrade on current CIP)
  • Dwayne Fowler
    1)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Dogwood Lake Trial
    2)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Roberts Road
  • Tom Roach
    RE:  CCWSA Permissive Use Agreements with Cherokee County
  • Approval of the 8/26/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1)  Petition for Amendment to Baseline Capacity-CCWSA & City of Woodstock

Board Meeting:  August 26, 2019 ~4:00 P.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    1) Request Approval of Proposal from Freese & Nichols in the Amount of $98,472.00 for the AWIA Risk & Resiliency Assessment & Emergency Response Plan
    2)  Request Approval of Contract Change Order #6 (FINAL) for the Riverbend Environmental Complex (CCWSA-2016-002)/ Decrease Per Change Order in the Amount of $278,324.93 for Unused Unit Price Items & Allowances/Current Contract Amount of $24,445,678.67; Revised Contract Amount of $24,167,353.74
    3)  Request Approval to Sole Source “Aerisa” Ionization Unit for the Rose Creek Odor Control Phase 3 Project
  • Ryan Sarks
    RE:  GMEBS Retirement Plan Restatement
  • Approval of the 7/29/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
    1)  Presentment of Proposed FY 2020 Budget
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard

Board Meeting:  July 29, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Annual Election of Officers
  • Corey Ghorley
    1) Request Acceptance of Proposal from GeoHydro Engineers in the Amount of $5,646.00 for Construction Materials Testing on the Fitzgerald Creek Belt Filter Press Addition Project
    2) Request Approval of Increase of Engineering Budget in the Amount of $5,000.00 for Bradford Engineering Regarding the Site Plan Development for the CCWSA Construction Complex (Original Approved Contract Amount of $20,000.00)
  • Jeff Hooper
    1)  Lidl US Operations Sewer Easement Relinquishment
    2)  Buice Lake Water Easement Relinquishment and Relocation
  • Approval of the 6/24/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard

Board Meeting:  June 24, 2019 ~4:00 P.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    RE: Request Approval of Engineering Budget in the amount of $228,287.00 from Brown & Caldwell Engineers for the Odor Control at Rose Creek Phase 3 Project (Item #7 on Current CIP; Total Original Estimated Cost for Overall Project of $1,250,00.00)
  • Gaye Blackwell
    RE:  Proposed Addition of Fee for Relocating Existing Meter Outside Fence to Miscellaneous Charges Listing
  • Mike Venters
    RE:  Sludge Disposal Procurement Services
  • Ryan Sarks
    RE:  Presentation Regarding OPEB Funding
  • Follow-Up Item form the 5/29/19 Board Meeting:
    1)  Consideration of Extension of Water Main for Residents of Rock House Road
  • Approval of the 5/29/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1)  Recognition of Board Members Mike Byrd & Robert Morrison

Board Meeting:  May 29, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Pam Burnett; Georgia Association of Water Professionals
    RE:  Presentation of Awards
  • Corey Ghorley
    1)  Request Approval of Proposal from Precision Planning, Inc. in the Amount of $128,000.00 for Architectural Design & Permitting for the CCWSA Construction Complex; Item #12 under Construction Expansion/Upgrade on Current CIP
    2)  Request Approval of Proposal from Precision Planning, Inc. in the Amount of $8,600.00 for a Master Plan Feasibility Study for the 320 W. Main Street Replacement Building; Item #13 under Construction Expansion/Upgrade on Current CIP
    3)  Request Approval of Construction Budget in the Amount of $612,684.00 for the River Chase Sewer Line Replacement Project-Phase 2 (CCWSA-2018-013); Item #3 under Asset Replacement on Current CIP, estimated cost of $600,000.00
    4)  Request Approval of 2020 CIP/Future Projects List
  • Dwayne Fowler
    RE:  Request to Replant Shoal Creek Property at an Estimated Cost of $44,000.00
  • Follow-Up Item form the 4/29/19 Board Meeting:
    1)  Consideration of Extension of Water Main for Residents of Rock House Road-To be presented by Dwayne Fowler
  • Approval of the 4/29/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
    1)  Request Approval of Proposed Capitalization Policy to Begin 9/1/19
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard

Board Meeting:  April 29, 2019 ~4:00 P.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Gaye Blackwell
    RE:  Request from Robin Suggs for Consideration of Bill on Behalf of Corinne Thomas
  • Corey Ghorley
    RE:  Request Approval of Low Bid of IHC Construction in the Amount of $1,856,787.50 for the Fitzgerald Creek Belt Filter Press Addition Project (CCWSA-2018-012-Fitzgerald Creek Belt Filter Press Addition)
  • Dwayne Fowler
    1)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Pleasant Union Road
    2)  Petition for Extension of Water Main form Residents of Roy Mason Lane

    3)  Consideration of Extension of Water Main for Residents of Soap Creek Road
    4)  Consideration of Extension of Water Main for Residents of Rock House Road
  • Ryan Sarks
    RE:  Request Approval of FY 2019 Surplus Listing
  • Tom Roach
    RE:  Proposed Agreement Between CCWSA & City of Woodstock
  • Approval of the 3/25/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
    1)  Request Funding in the amount of $210,000.00 for the E. Cherokee Drive/S. Holly Springs Rd. Intersection improvements Project (item #12 on CIP List/Toad Relocation Projects Beyond 2019/County Has Given Authority Notice to Proceed)
    2)  Request Funding in the amount of $192,000.00 for the Little Road Roadway Improvements Project (item #13 on CIP List/Road Relocation Projects Beyond 2019/County has Given Authority Notice to Proceed)
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard

Board Meeting:  March 25, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    1)  Request Approval of Proposal from Goforth Williamson, Inc. in the amount of $282,350.00 for the Replacement of Four Raw Water Intake Pumps and Motors at Water Treatment Facility (Asset Replacement Item #4 on Current CIP Listing; Estimated Cost of CIP $350,00.00)
    2)  Request Approval of Engineering Services Proposal from Bradford Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $20,000.00 for the CCWSA Construction Complex (Item #12 on Current CIP Listing)
  • Dwayne Fowler
    RE:  Request from William Lamar Prance, Sr., of Riverstone Properties, LLC to enter into a Developer’s Expansion Agreement
  • Tom Roach
    RE:  Request for Easement from Authority Customer Steven Holcomb
  • City of Woodstock Proposal for Service Area Swap
  • Approval of the 2/25/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
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Just a friendly reminder that the year-round Outdoor Watering Restrictions allows for use between 4:00 pm and 10:00 am.
Thank you for helping us during this dry time of year by using water wisely.
Drought - Watering Guidelines