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September 2019

Board Meeting:  September 30, 2019 ~9:00 A.M.

Agenda Items:

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
  • Corey Ghorley
    1) Request Approval of Proposal from Industrial Technologies, LLC in the amount of $315,275.00 for the Water Treatment Plant Filter Control System Replacement Project (Item #5 under Asset Replacement on current CIP; Total Original Estimated Cost of $550,000.00)
    2)  Request Approval of Proposal from Hazen & Sawyer Engineers in the amount of $1,562,840.00 for Engineering/Design on the Fitzgerald Creek WWTP Expansion to 11.75 MGD (item #10 under Construction Expansion/Upgrade on current CIP)
  • Dwayne Fowler
    1)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Dogwood Lake Trial
    2)  Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Roberts Road
  • Tom Roach
    RE:  CCWSA Permissive Use Agreements with Cherokee County
  • Approval of the 8/26/19 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Finance Report Beth Jones
  • Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
  • Environmental ReportJennifer Arp
  • Construction ReportDwayne Fowler
  • General Manager’s Report Tom Heard
    1)  Petition for Amendment to Baseline Capacity-CCWSA & City of Woodstock
Web Developer: StudioSR, LLC
Just a friendly reminder that the year-round Outdoor Watering Restrictions allows for use between 4:00 pm and 10:00 am.
Thank you for helping us during this dry time of year by using water wisely.
Drought - Watering Guidelines