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May 2024

Board Meeting: May 20, 2024 @ 9:00 AM

Agenda Items:


Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

Corey Ghorley
1) Request Approval of Bid from KAM Contracting Southeast LLC in the amount of $1,035,179.00 for the Riverchase Sewer Line Replacement Project – Phase 2 (Low bid by Complete Site, LLC in the amount of $936,810.00.00 was deemed non-responsible per Contractor Qualification stipulations in the bid. Item #2 on current CIP under “Asset Replacement” with a total original estimated cost of $876,852.00)
2) Request Approval of Proposal from Atkins Realis for Construction Management Services for the Riverchase Sewer Line Replacement Project (Phase 2) in the amount of $49,803.00
3) Request Approval of Proposal from S&ME, Inc. for Materials and Coatings Testing for the Fitzgerald Creek Headworks Improvement Project in the amount of $36,985.00
4) Request Approval of 2025 CIP/Future Projects List

Jennifer Arp
RE: Board Policy Update

Approval of the 4/29/24 Board Meeting Minutes

Finance ReportBeth Jones

Treatment ReportsClint Blackwell, Mike Venters

Environmental ReportJennifer Arp

Construction ReportGarry Hensley

General Manager’s ReportDwayne Fowler

Web Developer: StudioSR, LLC
Just a friendly reminder that the year-round Outdoor Watering Restrictions allows for use between 4:00 pm and 10:00 am.
Thank you for helping us during this dry time of year by using water wisely.
Drought - Watering Guidelines