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March 2020

Board Agenda Meeting:  March 26, 2020 ~3:00 P.M.

Note:  The regularly scheduled Board Meeting for 3/30/20 has been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.  The Board will only conduct the Board Agenda Meeting this month, with no voting occurring.

PERSONS ATTENDING TELECONFERENCE:  Gary Winchester, Eric Wilmarth, Doug Dabbs, Lisa Woodruff, Harry Johnston, Nancy Martin, Barry Mansell, Tom Heard, David Kubala, Dwayne Fowler, Tom Roach, Wesley Banks, Joey Buice, Mike Venters, Beth Jones, Melanie Stephens, Garry Hensley, Jennifer Arp, Rodney Satterfield, Gaye Blackwell, Corey Ghorley, Greg Long, Ryan Sarks, Jeff Hooper, Mark Cochran, Clint Blackwell, Brian Breeden, and Eric Wright.



3.   BETH JONES PRESENTED THE FINANCIAL REPORT.  Mrs. Jones reported that total operating revenues are approximately $2,400,488.00 above budget projections for the period ending 1/31/20.  Mrs. Jones reported that total operating expenses are approximately $210,207.00 below budget projections for the same period.  Mrs. Jones reported year-to-date net income of $5,602,435.00 for the period ending 1/31/20.

4.   BETH JONES PROVIDED A SYNOPSIS OF THE CURRENT BOND MARKET AND SAVINGS LEVELS FOR THE AUTHORITY’S PROPOSED REFUNDINGS.  Mrs. Jones noted that staff is currently working on the preliminary official statement in the hope that the market stabilizes soon from the COVID-19 crisis in order for the Authority to move forward with the refunding at some point in the next few months.

The Board noted that they would like to receive an update each month from Bryce Holcomb of Citi so that the Board may determine at what point to proceed with the refunding or postpone further.

5.   CLINT BLACKWELL PRESENTED THE WATER TREATMENT OPERATIONS REPORT.  Mr. Blackwell reported an average daily flow of 14.551 MGD for the month of February 2020 at the Etowah River Water Treatment Facility.  Mr. Blackwell reported that the Hollis Q. Lathem Reservoir is currently at full pool at 1189.3 ft.  Mr. Blackwell reported a cumulative rainfall total of 63.48” for the past twelve months.

6.   MR. BLACKWELL NOTED THAT THE AUTHORITY IS CURRENTLY STOCKPILING BULK MATERIALS DUE TO THE ONGOING COVID-19 CRISIS.  Mr. Blackwell noted that the plant currently has approximately 45 days of chemicals on hand.

7.   MIKE VENTERS PRESENTED THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OPERATIONS REPORT.  Mr. Venters reported an average daily treatment of 4.0 MGD at the Rose Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility, as well as a total reuse monthly flow of 1.6 MG.  Mr. Venters reported an average daily treatment of 5.6 MGD at the Fitzgerald Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility, and an average daily treatment of 0.470 MGD at the Riverbend Wastewater Treatment Facility.

8.   JENNIFER ARP PRESENTED THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT.  Mrs. Arp reported that no spills or overflows occurred during this reporting period.


10.   MR. FOWLER NOTED THAT HE HAD RECEIVED A CALL LAST WEEK CONCERNING A MANHOLE AT THE LITTLE RIVER BASIN THAT NEEDED REPAIR.  Mr. Fowler noted that Authority crews have now made the necessary repairs to rebuild the upper end of the manhole.

11.   TOM HEARD PRESENTED THE GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT.  MR. HEARD NOTED THAT THE AUTHORITY HAS BEEN OPERATING UNDER AN EMERGENCY MODIFIED OPERATIONS PLAN SINCE TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2020 DUE TO THE ONGOING COVID-19 CRISIS.  Mr. Heard noted that all CCWSA offices are now locked, with customers still being able to utilize the Authority’s drive-through window at the administrative office.  Mr. Heard noted that the Authority has currently suspended disconnections of service and the Authority has also suspended the assessment of penalties to customer accounts during this time.

12.   TOM HEARD NOTED THAT THE APRIL BOARD MEETING WILL OCCUR ON MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2020 AT 4:00 P.M. VIA TELECONFERENCE.  Tom Roach noted that the Board will be allowed to vote during this teleconference since the Authority is operating under a declared State of Emergency.  Directions for accessing the teleconference will be placed on the Authority’s website and also provided to the press.

13.   TOM HEARD NOTED THAT STAFF WILL REVIEW THE AUTHORITY’S CIP AT NEXT MONTH’S STAFF AGENDA MEETING.  The updated CIP list will be provided to the Board for approval at the May Board Meeting.

14.   TOM HEARD NOTED THAT THE AUTHORITY IS IN RECEIPT OF CORRESPONDENCE FROM CHUCK AMBURN REGARDING WATER SERVICE TO THE DEBORD DRIVE/ADDINGTON LANE AREA.  In this correspondence, Mr. Amburn noted that a few years ago the residents of this area petitioned the Board to provide water to this area.  The Authority provided this service as requested.

Mr. Amburn further noted in his correspondence that the Authority stopped the water line at the house furthest away from where they started the line into the area.  Mr. Amburn noted that, at the last board meeting he attended, he brought up the fact that the Authority was only 1-2 tenths of a mile from the end of the neighborhood (Hwy. 140), the equipment and the CCWSA employees were on-site, and questioned if the Board would consider extending the line to the end of the neighborhood.  Mr. Amburn stated that he was told that the statute used to approve the water service covered the entire neighborhood and that anyone that did not request water then, could simply call, pay for the meter to be set, request water, and the line would be brought to their property under the law of that statute at no other cost.

Mr. Amburn further noted in his correspondence that he did not realize there was a terminus date within that statute, and noted that the Authority is charging a fee of $6 per foot for the water service, as well as the normal connection fee.

Mr. Amburn is requesting that the Board delay the implementation of this fee for 30 days to give the residents an opportunity to request the water service.  If they don’t request within that time frame, then so be it.  Mr. Amburn requests that the Authority refund any fee that has been collected to date for residents of this area since the terminus of the statute.

Mr. Heard noted that the residents of this area have been provided notification by the Authority that they have a six-month window of opportunity to purchase a meter if they would like water service.

The meeting concluded at 4:10 p.m.


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