The Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority (CCWSA) received several awards from the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP). The Etowah Water Treatment Plant received Best Operated Water Plant of the year – Surface Water 15 MGD to 49.99 MGD, the Rose Creek Water Pollution Control Facility received Water Reclamation Facility of the year award- Advanced treatment 6.0 MGD – 9.9 MGD and the Riverbend Complex received Water Reclamation Facility of the year award – Advanced treatment 1 MGD or less. The Etowah Water Treatment Plant received a Platinum Award for complete and consistent Safe Drinking Water Act permit compliance for the 4th year in a row. Two of the wastewater plants Rose Creek and Fitzgerald Creek received Platinum awards for complete and consistent National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance for the 9th year in a row. The newest wastewater plant Riverbend Complex received a Gold Award for complete and consistent NPDES permit compliance for 2018.

Pictured: Back row: L to R – Eric Wilmarth, Lisa Woodruff, Robert Morrison, Mike Byrd, Doug Dabbs. Front row: Mike Venters, Tyler West, Pam Barnett (Executive Director GAWP), Jamie Veley, Clint Blackwell, Gary Winchester.