Board Meeting: August 31, 2020~4:00 P.M.
Agenda Items:
- Invocation
- Corey Ghorley
1) Request Approval of Proposal from GeoHydro Engineers in the amount of $5,200.00 for Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Preparation for the CCWSA Construction Complex (This proposal amount will be added to the existing contract for Special Inspections in the amount of $6,191.60 approved in June 2020. New contract total in the amount of $11,391.60)
2) Request Approval of Final Closeout Change Order for the Fitzgerald Creek Belt Filter Press Addition Project (Item #3 on Current CIP under Construction Expansion/Upgrade. Change order reflects a credit of $149,602.66 due to drain line redesign, unused allowances, and unused unit price items. Original Contract Amount of $1,856,787.50; Final Contract Amount of $1,707,184.84)
3) Request Approval of Engineering Proposal from Precision Planning, Inc. for the CCWSA Construction Complex Project in the amount of $42,000.00 (Current Contract Amount of $128,000.00 based on an estimated Construction Cost of $1,600,00.00; Increase is based on increased estimated Construction Cost of $2,435,975.69 that was approved by the Board in February 2020)
- Dwayne Fowler
1) Request from Brian Taylor of Taylor Morrison of Georgia, LLC for Pump Station and Force Main for Property Located on Bart Manous Road
2) Petition for Extension of Water Main from Residents of Old Jones Road - Approval of the 7/27/20 Board Meeting Minutes
- Finance Report – Beth Jones
1) Request Approval of Amendment to FY 2020 Budget
2) Presentment of Proposed FY 2021 Budget - Treatment Reports – Clint Blackwell, Mike Venters
- Environmental Report – Jennifer Arp
- Construction Report – Dwayne Fowler
- General Manager’s Report –Tom Heard
- Executive Session
- Instructions for accessing the meeting via teleconference can be found on the Authority’s website