Informational Articles and Videos
CCWSA provides information through articles and videos about important topics that impact your everyday life.
For more information on these topics and more check out the Clean Water Campaign.
Articles: Forever Chemicals | Potable Reuse | Drought | Where Does Our Water Come From? | Where Does Water Go? | Water Reclamation | Flushable vs. Biodegradable
Wastewater Permits – Labeled Protecting our Water | Water Theft | What is the Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority? | Growth in Water! | Protecting Communities From Lead Exposure in Drinking Water| Fluoride – A Brief History! | Biosolids – An Untapped Resource | Microorganisms of Importance | Sewage Spills
Videos: Drinking Water | Source Water Protection
Informational Posters: Did You Know – Water Bears | Stormwater vs. Wastewater | Our Wastewater Facilities |Sewer vs. Sewerage vs. Sewage | Water Theft
Stormwater Issues
Articles: Identifying Natural vs Man-Made Water Phenomena | Pet Waste and Stormwater | Stormwater (leaves in stormdrain), | Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s) | Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)
Who To Call when you observe a problem | What is benthic macroinvertebrate?
Videos: Fats, Oils and Grease
Informational Posters: Algal Blooms | Pet Waste | Fats, Oils and Grease | Stormwater vs. Wastewater | Did you know? Water Penny
Articles: What To Expect With A Sewage Spill | Good Housekeeping | Water-Wise Landscaping | Winterizing Your Home | Household Water Audit | Neighborhood Adopt-A-Stream
Water Conservation | Hard to Recycle Plastics – Hefty Program | What is a CCR and why is it important? | Eating Native Fish – Is it safe? | Choosing Water Efficient Grass | Prescription Drug Disposal | Taking an active role in water usage | Issuing a boil water notice |
Water & Sewer Line Boundaries
Videos: Water Conservation | Your Toilet is Not a Trashcan | Proper Disposal of Pharmaceuticals
Informational Posters: Your Toilet Is NOT A Trashcan | Household Hazardous Waste | Water Footprint | Prescription Drug Take Back